In this tutorial, we would cover Pure Components and Memo Component. The following sub-topics would be addressed:
1. What are Pure Components
Pure components in react are component whose performance are optimized. A pure component implements the shouldComponentUpdate lifecycle method with a shallow props and state comparison(SC). On the contrary, a regular component does not implement this method. It always returns true. Remember that the shouldComponentUpdate method is an Updating lifecycle method that determines if a component should render/re-render or not. Now, a regular component always re-renders, but a pure component does an SC to see if it’s going to re-render or not.
A pure component does SC of prevState with currentState as well as prevProps with currentProps. It will only re-render is the comparison indicates a difference
2. What is Shallow Props and State Comparison(SC)
A shallow comparison for primitive types x and y would return true if both operand have the same value and are of the same type. For complex types, shallow comparison returns true if both operands reference the exact same object.
The code below illustrates this:
var x = [a, b, c]; var y = [a, b, c]; var z = x; var is_x_equal_y = (x === y); //false var is_x_equal_z = (x === z); //true
The first comparison, x and y, returns false because although they are the same, they don’t point to the same object. On the other hand x and z returns true since reference the same exact object.
3. Pure Component Example
A pure component is created by extending the PureComponent class instead of the Component class.
In this example, we create three components:
ParentComponent: this is just a regular component. It would re-render every 2 seconds. We achieve this by using the setInterval() function in the componentDidMount() method to change the state, name. We also pass this state as props to it’s child components.
PureComp: a pure component. We add it as child of ParentComp. It displays the props received.
RegularComp: a regular component. We add it as child of ParentComp. Similarly, it display the name props.
The three components are shown below
Parent Component
export class ParentComp extends Component { constructor(props) { super(props) this.state = { name: 'Kindson' } } componentDidMount() { setInterval(() => { this.setState({ name: 'Kindson' }) }, 2000) } render() { console.log('== Parent Component Render===') return ( <div> Parent Component <RegularComp name={}></RegularComp> <PureComp name={}></PureComp> </div> ) } } export default ParentComp
Regular Component
export class RegularComp extends Component { render() { console.log('Regular Component Render') return ( <div> Regular Component: {} </div> ) } } export default RegularComp
Pure Component
class PureComp extends PureComponent { render() { console.log('Pure Component Render') return ( <div> Pure Component: {} </div> ) } } export default PureComp
And of course, you should add the parent component to the App component. Now, when the app runs, you’ll see in the console that, at first, all the three components are rendered. However, in subsequent renderings, only the Pure component is not rendered. This is because, the pure component compares the prevProps and the props and there’s no difference. So it does not re-rendered.
This behavior is big performance boost especially for large applications.
4. Memo Components
Pure component only works in class components. So for functional component, Memo fills this need.
To make a functional component a Memo component, in the export statement, call the React.memo() method and pass it name of the functional component as an argument. See the complete markup below:
function MemoComp({name}) { return ( <div> Memo Component {name} </div> ) } export default React.memo(MemoComp)
I’ll stop here. I hope this is quite clear. We’ll now move on to Refs.